With a little imagination everyday clothes and household items can become instant Halloween costumes. Many costumes can be put together in minutes and require no sewing skills and minimal money. However, depending on what is kept around the house a quick stop at the corner drugstore might be required


Draw a large question mark on a shirt with a marker, or cut a question mark from paper or felt and attach it to a top with safety pins. Glue or tape popcorn to the question mark, and you are a pop quiz.

Be a quarter-back without the heavy shoulder pads and helmet. Make a photo copy of an enlarged quarter, and tape or pin it to the back of your shirt.

To be a dust bunny, use spray adhesive or tape to attach dryer lint or cotton balls to an old shirt and pants. Complete the costume with a bunny tail and ears.

Brand-Name Fun

Be a smarty pants without ever saying a word, by using tape to attach rolls of Smarties-brand candy to a plain pair of pants.

Cut out the logo of a popular copy machine brand and tape it to a black top. Complete the copy cat costume with black pants, black shoes and cat ears. Use black makeup to color the tip of your nose and draw cat whiskers on your cheeks.

Group Costume

Pigs in a Blanket works well for a couples or group costume. Wrap a blanket around two to three people — whatever number of people is comfortable for the festivities. Wear pig snouts and ears to complete the look.

Raid the Closet

Dress as the American tourist. Men wear a floral print shirt, shorts, sandals and a large straw hat. Women wear a bright summer dress, flip flops, a large sun hat and carry a straw bag. Add a camera around the neck and a map to a pocket or bag.

To be a scarecrow, wear a large flannel shirt stuffed with plastic grocery bags, faded jeans and a rope for a belt. Add straw to the cuffs of pants and ends of sleeves.

Reuse a bridesmaid dress and be Miss America. Complete the outfit with long silk gloves, a tiara and heels. Make a sash using ribbon and glitter or marker.